Learn How To Spot Fake Honey At The Grocery Store. Your Health Depends On It

Hold on, there’s fake honey at the store? Yeah, there sure is.
Honey is one of my favorite foods. It’s a superfood full of numerous vitamins and minerals and a safer way to sweeten foods and drinks than sugar. But did you know that most of the honey you see in the grocery store is treated with a process called “Ultra-Filtration?” Why is that?
Food Safety News conducted an investigation into the honey you see on the shelves of your grocery store and found that about 76% of honey there was ultra-filtered. Ultra-filtration is a process that filters out irregularities like wax, but it also filters out pollen. Generic brands were the most likely to be ultra-filtered. So what’s the big deal? Why does it matter?
Ultra-filtration is a problem because the ‘impurities’ that it’s filtering are actually some of the most beneficial parts of the honey. This filtration does not provide any benefits to you whatsoever and makes no improvement to the quality of the honey. So why do they do it?
FSN found that the likely reason for this ultra-filtration is to prevent people from tracing the honey to is geographical location via the pollen. That way you can’t figure out if your honey was made from bees collecting pollen next to, say, a coal plant in China.
So FSN sent samples of honey to Texas A&M University’s premier melissopalynologist (pollen scientist), professor Vaughn Bryant. He found that about 75% of the honey had little or no pollen in it at all. Additionally:
  • 100% of honey used in McDonald’s and KFC had all pollen removed.
  • 100% of Winnie the Pooh honey sold in Walmart had all of its pollen removed.
  • 100% of honey sold in drug stores like CVS and Walgreen’s had the pollen filtered out.
  • 77% of big box stores like Sam’s Club, Costco and Target had no traces of pollen either.
According to Organic Health:
There are approximately 16 minerals, 18 amino acids, 21 vitamins, and a ton of phytonutrients and antioxidants in one ounce of raw honey. Raw honey has many antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial substances, and it is highly nutritious.It contains significant amounts of vitamin C, B6,B5,B3,B2, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, phosphate, calcium and sodium chlorine.
The solution? Look for raw, organic, locally made honey at your grocery store or at the local farmer’s market. It may cost more, but it’s worth it in the end.
Image credit: Siona Karen, Flickr

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